About Us
Since 1972, Waltham Youth Hockey has supported the growth and development of the sport of hockey in Waltham and surrounding communities. Waltham Youth Hockey is a Member of USA Hockey and Massachusetts Hockey.
To contact the appropriate person, please visit the Board of Directors page under About.
PO Box 540654
Waltham, MA 02454
Mark Lasoff
* Thu 8pm 11/9. Waltham Practice.
* Fri 6pm 11/10. Waltham Tournament v. Milton
* Sat 8am 11/11. Waltham Tournament v. Hyde Park.
* Sat 4pm 11/11. Waltham Tournament v. Stoneham.
* Sat 9pm 11/11. WOBURN LEAGUE v. Newton (**Might move this game).
* Sun 550pm 11/12. HYDE PARK LEAGUE v. Hyde Park (**Might move this game).
** NOTE the ** LEAGUE GAMES might be moved, depending on how we do in the State Tournament on Friday and Saturday.
Mark Lasoff, 617.458.1234.